Threadbone Crimeshelf
Crimeshelf Flipbooks
Crimeshelf Flipbooks™ is the yet another ground-breakking innovation from THE THREADBONE PRESS. Using our patent Flip™ engine you can now enjoy your favourite crime fiction in an even more engaging way. Flip the pages and follow Inspector Allardyce as he solves the most baffling crimes in the most exotic places!
Subscriptions to this service start from as little as £20 per month or £250 per year.

THREADBONE PRESS technicians standing next to the Flip™ Engine digital computer which is capable of producing a new Crimeshelf™ Flip Book every 36 hours. Each new Flip Book™ requires the attention of 4 programmers, 8 electronic engineers and 2 digital design consultants not to mention the cooks, cleaners and administrative officers who keep the whole operation in seamless harmony

Threadbone Crimeshelf: Where Quality is No Mystery
doug graves | new releases
Death on Four Wheels by Doug Graves
In the fast world of Grand Prix racing, death is no stranger, but when top driving ace and potential world champion Dave Clark-Five is found dead under his car in the Team Trabant garage, suspicion falls on his "friends" as well as his rivals. But is team Boss Ken Squirrel all that he seems to be and why was Dave seen leaving his rival Enzo Testerono's girlfriend's flat with a super-hybrid power chain and single wishbone suspension unit tucked under his arm only hours before?
It's time for Inspector Allardyce to enter the high octane world of motorsport but can he solve the baffling locked-garage crime before the chequered flag falls ....?
Death Takes A Cruise by Doug Graves
Yannis Acropolis has everything: money, women and a lifestyle to match his billionaire pockets. But when opera diva Maria Careless joins him and his rich Russian friends on a cruise to the Dodecanese, more than the champagne is set to pop. Following a badly botched excursion ashore to buy a small Toblerone and a Special Edition Mint Aero goes wrong, Yannis finds that he must act fast, before his past catches up with him. With jealous impresario Mauricio Pongelatero waiting in the wings and the world premiere of Addinsell Threadbone's "Three Little Pigs" only days away, death is a certain visitor.
Taking a well deserved holiday on a nearby island, Inspector Allardyce soon finds his lounging days are over and its back on the job!

C is for Chaos by Polly Anthus
Left alone to organise a trip to the Chaos Caves of Mithros whilst her friend Zak is away, Tessa is eager to make a good impression on visiting rep manager Anita Drill-Sargent. The last thing she needs is a dispute with the local bus operators or an outbreak of food poisoning amongst diners at the Tantalus-recommended harbour Psarotaverna. But Tessa's gastonomic troubles pale into insignificance when one of the local bus drivers is found dead at the entrance to the caves. Full of local colour and as fragrant as a Mediterranean meadow, this enchanting story is just the job for an idle afternoon

Accident and Engagement by Emma Roid
Dashing and debonaire Adam Carrington is everyone’s favourite consultant at Herston General. Patients adore his reassuring bedside manner, whilst his colleagues can only stand in awe of his reputation as a man who can operate with skill and save lives others believe hopelessly lost. With helpful nurse Sister Sally Wellbeloved by his side he is seemingly invulnerable, but when a patient dies following a CTI scan all does not seem right at Herston General. Adam’s friend, technician Di Agnosis’s reputation is on the line - but can Adam and Sally get to the bottom of the mystery before her world falls apart?

A Corps in the Caladium by Quintus Remus
The influential men of Rome frequently gather at the local bath house for conversation and the chance to experience the charms of the fetching female attendants. They take little notice of a short, fat and prematurely balding would-be playwright who is sometimes in their company. That is until his body turns up in a bloody mess - and just before he is to be commissioned to write an imperial entertainment.

Death Comes To Brownstone by Agatha Panthus
World War I survivor and hero Wendell Chance is once again forced to use his high birth and well-placed society connections to solve the baffling murder at Brownstone Manor. Involving a cast of colourful and sometimes believable characters this, Ms Panthus's third novel was, according to recent biographies, her favourite.

Don't Go Down Those Stairs by E S Collater
Hardened private dick Locke D Roome is often called in when the local police authorities find conventional detection isn't working. Using the special skills available only to a high functioning alcoholic with mild autisism, Roome often succeeds where others fail.
The hero of four novels, Roome's latest encounter sees him summoned to post-war Wynford Eagle where excavations at a bomb-site lead to strange sightings and even stranger events.