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Priceless Thrupiece Classic Given New Lease of Life

The Threadbone Press, in whose debt scholars have long found themselves, has unearthed and republished in luxury form the early Thrupiece classic Elementary Glossary of Culinary Bio-ethical Terms.

Not content with bringing a "mere' facsimile of this groundbreaking work back before the public eye, the publisher has added further to our knowledge and our pleasure by reproducing - for the first time - the actual manuscript on which the published work was based. Scholars, students and others can now compare the two and enter more closely than ever before, the creative world - nay - the creative mind of the young Professor Thrupiece as he grappled with this gargantuan task.

In a typically preceptive Foreword, CEO and midwife to the many jewels in The Threadbone Press's catalogue, Mrs Amanda J Threadbone emphasises the enormous contribution this volume, when originally published in the early 1960s, made to the establishment of Culinary Bioethics in a still sceptical university world. The volume is worth its price for the Foreword alone, but those who sensibly invest in this marvellous volume will sure wonder anew at the concision, elegance and sheer flair with which Professor Thrupiece invested his efforts.

The volume is available via The Threadbone Press, Threadstones Bookshops and the thrupiece papers online as well as the thrupiece paper flipped service.

A Classic Reissued

Not only academics, but also people of intellect greeted with warm excitement news that The Threadbone Press have issued a deluxe fascimile edition of the early Elementary Glossary of Culinary Bio-ethical Terms.

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DISCLAIMER: Though it will be perfectly obvious that the absurd world of Professor Thrupiece and his corporate affairs is no more nor less than the product of a fevered brain, it is clearly affirmed here that any resemblance to actual persons, organisations or events is purely coincidental and that no slight or injury of any kind is intended to any person alive, dead or yet to be born.

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