In what would surely be the U-turn of of all U-turns given statements made by Mrs Amanda J Threadbone as recently as four days ago, it is widely rumoured that the Thrupiece Organisation is about to launch a brand new "Make-it-at-home" thrupiecediet™ kit.
Pictures revealed by well-known web-subversives bonileaks seem to confirm that the Thrupiece Organisation's heavy chemical engineering arm - a part of Thrupiece Engineering Inc - have taken designs for the original 1960s Thrupiece Roto-matic Food Processor and subjected them to radical technological improvement, internalising, in the process, a number of highly sophisticated culinary bio-chemical processes in a masterpiece of manufacturing miniaturisation.
Sources within the organisation refused to comment on the bonileaks story, so it remains a matter of speculation whether the pirated pictures are of a complete food processing unit or merely a raw material gathering unit built on a domestic scale.
Though the thrupiecediet™ was originally conceived as something the busy housewife could prepare at home on a "clean your house whilst making the dinner" basis, the unreliability of early home equipment together with the increasingly sophisticated demands of the habitual dieter's palette meant that the manufacturing stages of the diet were necessarily industrialised. Since that time the diet has been available on a home-delivery subscription basis only.
However, the recent trend towards individually customised meal plans as well as the fashion for home gadgets has, apparently, forced the Thrupiece Organisation into a rethink.
Editor of Dorset Food Trends Magazine and home diet expert Anna Wrecksia (nee Saddlebags) believes that the bonileaks story may well turn out to be true: "It may well turn out to be true", she said. "Stranger things have happened - take for example the popularity of chocolate. Who on earth would have predicted that?" Ms Wrecksia is old enough to know better.
Leaked picture said to be of Thrupiece Engineering's new thrupiecediet™ home processor - a lineal descendant of the Thrupiece Roto-matic Food Processor made by the Company in the 1960s. No-one within the organisation was prepared to comment on the bonileaks story or confirm the machine's purpose.