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Thrupiecfilm Rush Release "El Diavolo" Tribute

Following news of the death aged 92 of former World Motor Racing Champion Pablo DIavolo, The Threadbone Corporation has released via its thrupiecefilm media partner rare footage of El Diavolo's victory in the 1957 Monaco Grand Prix.

The 1957 Monaco Grand Prix Poster.  The race was won by Pablo Diavolo in unusually non-controversial style.

The 1957 Monaco Grand Prix Poster. The race was won by Pablo Diavolo in unusually non-controversial style.

Filmed by AJTCorps's experimental Motor Racing Film Unit [AJTC MRFU], this previously unseen material will be of interest to anyone with an interest in rare and previously unseen motor racing footage. Using hard to acquire high speed Agfa-Gaevert Teleplex "movie" cameras, East German Zeiss lenses and Honeckestock dynamic sepia-colour, the film vividly recaptures the danger and excitement of motor racing in those far off days. "More so", added Thrupiece film archivist Gena Thatsa-Rappe "than any of Doug Graves's books". Mr Graves is holidaying in Antibes.

The thrupiecefilm video: a masterpiece restored.

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