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Writer's pictureProfessor Brian Thrupiece

Additional Event Scheduled for Delayed Threadbone Primavera Festival

The recently delayed Threadbone Primavera Festival - organisers fell victim to a severe outbreak of norovirus (Winter Vomiting Sickness) amongst ticket office staff together with unexpected delays in the delivery of uprights vital to the integrity of the beer tent - has finally got under way boosted by news of greater than expected sales. Several concerts are now more than half full, whilst fewer than the usual number of performances have been cancelled due to lack of interest. Please note: the Ziggy and the Boners Concert will go ahead despite a walk out early last week by 3 of the Boners (laughed off by Ziggy as "three stiffs in search of a Hard Drexit").

Even better news came in the shape of an additional attraction: the early return from their 14 Abbey Tour of the Monks of Compton Abbas who will perform Treasures from the Compton Abbas Choirbook (1482) at the Threadbucks Coffee House, Compton Abbas. This will be the first time that the Abbot and his men will have performed these great works in a non ecclesiastical setting. Coffee is free, as is admission, though there will be a collection plate with a suggested minimum donation of £50. Proceeds will go to the maintenance of the monks in the style to which they have become accustomed since they were relieved of "all duties, responsibilities, obligations and burdens" when the Abbey was dissolved by King Henry VIII's Dorset Sheriff Sir Brian de Thrupiece in 1538.

Further details of this and other Threadbone Primavera Festival events can be found on the Festival website.

The CD is available from the orinoco store

The Monks of Compton Abbas will perform at the Threadbone Primavera Festival and have recently released a CD of Treasures from the Compton Abbas Choirbook (1482)

The Monks of Compton Abbas will perform at the Threadbone Primavera Festival and have recently released a CD of Treasures from the Compton Abbas Choirbook (1482)

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