Drusilla Lekhtarovich today reacted swiftly to brush aside rumours of her involvement in the evangelical movement now led by forward leaning pastor, Pastor Neil Forward. In a heartfelt appeal to journalists she sought to distance herself from the sect and its activities describing recent articles as "грязный, ненужный и не соответствует стандартам, которые мы знаем из Thrupiece в течение многих лет" [dirty, unnecessary and not up to standards we know from Thrupiece for many years]. She went on to demand an apology and asked for the article[s] to be removed. ["Я требую извинения и прошу удалить статью[s]"
In a statement, the thrupieceorganisation stopped short of making an apology but said it "regretted any offence caused to Mrs Parker-Knowles or readers of the articles". "We like to bring the news as it happens, unvarnished and unadorned. If people say things we just report them, we do not editorialise", the statement continued. "We understand, however, that recent reportage on the affairs of Pastor Billy Grantham and his movement may have been "a little near the knuckle" and in future we will consider even more carefully the sensibilities of our four readers". "If any of them are unhappy we will take their views into consideration and act accordingly". *
* Add "Subject to legal interpretation - "accordingly" is a whole combustible can of worms" Joshua Threadbone [Threadbone, Threadbone and Threadbone] NB Don't include this footnote in the published piece. OK... Too late ... Fxxk it!

Russian woman - probably not Ms Likhtarovich and almost certainly not her grandmother. [Source TASS Отставка российского департамента]
That statement in full:
Для всех русских народов и хороших людей повсюду. «Поскольку я нахожусь на Западе и изучаю величие демократического процесса, я получаю право на ответ на вещи, которые меня не верят. Я когда-то был в религии под руководством Билли Грантэма, но я никогда не занимался как показано на картинке, которая не является моей персоной вообще. Кроме того, встреча с милым Паркером-Ноулсом, я очень респектабельная деловая женщина, и это на меня навязывает. Мне это не нравится и рассказывают всем хорошим людям, что я сейчас другая женщина. верю, просят спросить больную бабушку, которая все еще находится в Москве без денег и счета за больницу. Я собираю для нее, чтобы показать, как я хорошая женщина с большим сердцем. Я требую извинения и прошу удалить статью[s]. Спасибо Путину>>.
Друзилла Лихтарович
Dlya vsekh russkikh narodov i khoroshikh lyudey povsyudu. «Poskol'ku ya nakhozhus' na Zapade i izuchayu velichiye demokraticheskogo protsessa, ya poluchayu pravo na otvet na veshchi, kotoryye menya ne veryat. YA kogda-to byl v religii pod rukovodstvom Billi Grantema, no ya nikogda ne zanimalsya kak pokazano na kartinke, kotoraya ne yavlyayetsya moyey personoy voobshche. Krome togo, vstrecha s milym Parkerom-Noulsom, ya ochen' respektabel'naya delovaya zhenshchina, i eto na menya navyazyvayet. Mne eto ne nravitsya i rasskazyvayut vsem khoroshim lyudyam, chto ya seychas drugaya zhenshchina. veryu, prosyat sprosit' bol'nuyu babushku, kotoraya vse yeshche nakhoditsya v Moskve bez deneg i scheta za bol'nitsu. YA sobirayu dlya neye, chtoby pokazat', kak ya khoroshaya zhenshchina s bol'shim serdtsem. YA trebuyu izvineniya i proshu udalit' stat'yu[s]. Spasibo Putinu>>.
Druzilla Likhtarovich
To all Russian peoples and nice ones everywhere "Since I am in West and learn greatness of democratic process I am using right of reply to things about me that are not being true. I was once in religion led by Billy Grantham but I was never exercising like shown in picture which is not my person at all. Also since meeting nice Mr Parker-Knowles I am very respectable business woman and this is slur on me. I don't like this and tell all good peoples I am different woman now. Anyone not believing is asked to ask sick grandmother who is still in Moscow with no money and bill for hospital. I collect for her to show how I am a good woman with big heart. I demand apology and ask for articles to be removes. Thanks be to Putin".
Drusilla Lihktarovich