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Writer's pictureProfessor Brian Thrupiece

A Prophet Honoured In Another Country

News just in from Poland suggests that as a result of powerful interventions by the Prof. Thrupiece Centrum Kulinarnych Badań Bioetycznych Warszawa, the Polish Regional Authority of Western Pomerania is to issue a commemorative Thrupiece Stamp in recognition of the Professor's October 1978 visit and his seminal lecture to the Połączone siły polskich oddziałów szkół wojskowych (druga klasa) (Combined Forces of the Polish Military Schools Catering Corps (Second Class)).

That Stamp - The Western Pomeranian

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Polish Culinary Bio-Ethical historian Łyżka Lazlo (Lazlo Spoon) has supplied the following detail:

W październiku 1978 r. Prof. Thrupiece odwiedza Pomorze Zachodnie z misją dobrej woli. Podczas pobytu w kraju opowiadał wiele ciekawych rzeczy na temat puchu i jak jedzenie najlepszego rodzaju (z zasłon do krykieta) było dobre dla komunistycznej gospodarki. Generałowie wojskowi są bardzo zainteresowani, a Profesor Thrupiece jest śledzony wszędzie z błędami i rzeczami. Po jego odejściu próbujemy wyprodukować własny ciężki komunistyczny puch z rosyjskich czołgów drugiej wojny światowej. Udowadnia, że ​​jest ciężko i nie jest wielkim sukcesem. Zapraszamy profesora z powrotem, ale USA go pierwszy. Jeśli przyjedzie do Warszawa w 1980 roku, to może Lech Wałęsa wyrośnie z różnych wąsów, a cała polska historia będzie inna. Trudno rozpocząć zamieszki z wąsami Thrupiece. Może za dużo śmiechu na rewolucję.

For those requiring translation:

In October 1978, Prof. Thrupiece visits West Pomerania with the mission of goodwill. During his stay in the country, he told many interesting things about the fluff and how eating the best kind (from the cricket curtains) was good for the communist economy. Military generals are very interested, and Professor Thrupiece is being tracked everywhere with errors ("bugs" [ed]) and things. After his departure, we try to produce our own heavy communist fluff from Russian tanks of the Second World War. It proves that it is hard and is not a great success. We invite the Professor back, but the US will go first. If he comes to Warsaw in 1980, maybe Lech Wałęsa will grow out different moustache, and all Polish history will be different. It's difficult to start a riot with Thrupiece's moustache. Maybe too much laughter for the revolution.

Contrary to the "Official" story contained in Polish Culinary Bio-Ethical historian Lazlo Łyżka's account (above), recently released US intelligence pictures suggest that Professor Thrupiece may have played a bigger role in Solidarność's activities in and around the Gdansk Shipyards in 1980 than previously acknowledged. Indeed US Secretary of State Cyrus Vance is believed to have suggested that all Polish shipyard workers should "grow a Thrupiece moustache" to prevent them from being easily identified by General Wojciech Jaruzelski's Służba Bezpieczeństwa Ministerstwa Spraw Wewnętrznych (aka Esbecja). As the photograph shows the strategy was of limited success. Wałęsa's facial hair could not sustain the look, whilst Pawel Wojciechowski (left) simply "went far too far".

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