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Writer's pictureProfessor Brian Thrupiece

Back to the Future #36

The December issue of Dorset Modern Christmas Magazine 1951

In what future Cultural Historians will undoubtedly designate a watershed moment, Dorset Modern Christmas Magazine has taken the unprecedented step of republishing it's Christmas 1951 edition rather than publishing a normal December issue. Head of Public Awareness and Educational Affairs at the Magazine - Lavinia Makem-Thincke - believes that this stark reminder of how things were in the aftermath of the Second World War will put into proper perspective the current economic and social anxieties. "It's obvious that Drexit is worrying a lot of people" she said, "and understandably so given that there will be absolutely no food, no public transport, no import or exports, no monetary system and a complete break down of law and order, social services and local government on 29 March 2019. But letting people know we've been here before is both timely and comforting - especially to those expecting to queue for three weeks to take a flight to the Isle of Man after the Drexit date".

Might all of this be a tad alarmist and possibly even an example of the establishment crying wolf? "Perhaps yes and perhaps no", she said, "What we do know is that the tale of Dale and Judy eating their dog is both timeless and salutary and you can't enter the festive season without pondering the mortal implicationsfor us all of a story like that. And besides, Delia Smythe-Higgins' Sweet Spam Xmas Pudding Recipe is a must - we predict it will be the culinary hit of the festive season".

Meanwhile, in other festive news a Dorset woman who developed 24 hour Tourettes Syndrome was released from Chetnole General Hospital today after telling staff that she was feeling much better and that. since they were all a bunch of c***s, they could f**k off and leave her alone”.

Just two of the pages from the republished Dorset Modern Christmas Magazine of December 1951which the publishers hope will prove a timely reminder to how much better things are now than they were then.

Just two of the pages from the republished Dorset Modern Christmas Magazine of December 1951which the publishers hope will prove a timely reminder to how much better things are now than they were then. Cultural Historian Daniel Zeitgeist believes that it may have unintended consequences. "As far as I can see they were much better off then - daughters actually talked to their mothers and children in general even liked their dads".

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