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Writer's pictureProfessor Brian Thrupiece

A Questioner Writes

I write in response to a recent post by your resident in-house philosopher [A J Ailing? Roger Scrotum? Selina Scott?] and as the person who first posed the question he/she/ze attempted to consider: ie what is the point?

I fear that, due either to a lack of clarity/precision on my part [the result no doubt of my failure to progress beyond an MSc in Logic from the University of Afpuddle*] - or a cognitive lapse on his, he/she/ze entirely misunderstood my point [sic]. Though, having experienced a little of the way such minds work, I realise this may have been the point.

To be clear, my inquiry in full was: what is the point of philosophy? A simpler more tractable question and one his wholly discursive meanderings singularly failed to address.

That said he may have answered my query inadvertently: several paragraphs in, it became obvious to me at least: there isn't any.


Al Gore-Ithm

Visiting Professor of Opportunism

Ringworm College,


PS The point of my point is my jap's eye - simple.

*Special Offers on last minute degrees are available. Consult the website for details. Easy Terms negotiable subject to credit check. Tuition fees from as little as £70 per hour and lectures/seminars/tutorials involve no actual teaching.

NB The Editor is not bound to agree with all or any of the opinion expressed by readers.

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