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Game Of Thrunes

News that thrupiecefilm is about to do for the Thrupalevala what Dargaud Films did for Asterix has over-excited film goers across the county. Spurred on by an apparently insatiable appetite for all things mythologically fantastical, the studios have not been slow to plunder the creation narratives and founding sagas of our ancient ancestors. Perditollervo the Maiden Shagger - the latest and most expensive production so far in the blockbuster Dorset franchise - is due to hit our movie theatres in the summer. So what is the real source behind what critics are describing as "the most exciting retelling of a Dorset saga since the last exciting retelling more than a couple of years ago"?

Our Saga and Epic Poems Correspondent Ayntno Lie writes:

Potholãa as imagined by Dorset saga interpretative and immersive artist Pyla Shitte

The Thrupalevala [IPA: thrupãlèvãla] is a 19th-century compilation of epic poetry, compiled by Erasmus Nøtsœ-Pōinty from Chiswellian and Duntishan oral folklore, contemporary troubadorian narratives and broader Dorset mythology. It tells an epic story about the Creation of the County, describing the controversies and retaliatory journeys/voyages between the peoples of the land of the Thrupaleva called Briänölä and the land of Potholãa* and their various protagonists and antagonists, as well as the construction and robbery of the epic mythical wealth-making machine Threadbono. One of its most charismatic heroes - and the subject of perhaps the most popular of all the poems - is the forrester-warrior Potholãa**.

* a thoroughly unpleasant abduction which stands at the heart of the conflict is depicted memorably in Dorset "nationalist" composer Jean Sibilious's magnificent tone-poem Potholãa's Caught-Er. In a second episode his son Pērditøllervo unknowingly shags his own sister and filled with remorse kills himself in what noted Thrupalevalan scholar Gaymer Thowns calls "an everyday saga of Dorset folk".

A rare first edition of the Thrupalevala [courtesy the Amanda J Threadbone Collection]

The Thrupalevala has come to be regarded as the national epic of Dorsetia and is one of the most significant works of all West Country literature along with J K Crowland's The Tales of Hungry Peter and Juhula Bryner's The Seven Sameguys**. The Thrupalevala  was, historians say, hugely instrumental in the development of Dorset Regional identity and the intensification of the Ryme Intrinseca-based language strife that ultimately led to Dorset's independence from their West Country Alliance in 1917. The work is known nationally and has partly influenced, for example, J R R Lunche-Token's ablutarium [Lord of the Ring Stings etc].

** Adapted for the cinema as Seven Same Brides for Seven Similar Sameguys and not to be confused with the Dorset burger chain Five Guys and Sticky Sachet.

An early 20th-century illustration of the tale of Pērditøllervo and his magical horn-notethemis-spelling of the hero's name

The first version of the Thrupalevala, called the Old Thrupalevala, was published in 1835. It consists of 120,078 verses. The version most commonly known today was first published in 1849 and consists of 222,795,956 verses, divided into five hundred and fifty folk stories (Dorsetian: thrunes). A slightly abridged version, containing two poems and just 11 verses, was published in 2022 to help disseminate the epic amongst the illiterate, importunate and concentration-challenged. Historically connected to the Thrupalevala, is another much more lyrical collection of poems, also compiled by Nøtsœ-Pōinty, called Brianteletar. It dates from 1840, and is mostly seen as a "sister collection" of the Thrupalevala.

Knit Your Own Myth:,  in association with Threadbone Knitwear Company is proud to encourage and to facilitate the wider dissemination of knowledge about the Thrupalevala as well as to join the blockbuster bandwagon by offering readers this exclusive offer. Don't hurry - stocks are expected to last. No customer limit.

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