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Writer's pictureProfessor Brian Thrupiece

Fine Wines for Fine Occasions

Amongst oenologist the world over, The Threadbone Winery has a long-held reputation for excellence. Mention Chateau Corfe Mullen to any Master of Wine and wait for the smile to appear! But hitherto, the Threadbone Winery has built its reputation largely on subtle whites for the truly differentiating palette, the gentle slopes of the Dorset hills and the special microclimate of the Stour Valley naturally favouring the Dorset Arinto grape above all others.

But today in a bold move likely to send the wine-loving community into an oenological frenzy, the Winery has announced a move into hallowed red wine territory. Based on break-through cultivation techniques and a very special grape variety - the Stinsford Syrah - Chateaux Hazelbury Bryan could be the domaine to put The Threadbone Winery into serious claret competition.

Master of Wine Herr Dr Dr Dr Manfred Schlurp believes that once initial scepticism is overcome, Chateaux Hazelbury Bryan could be the discerning drinker's new wine of choice. "Onesh inishal shceptichism ish overcome, Chateaux Haschzelbury Bryan could be the disherning drinkersh wine of choishe", an unsteady Dr Schlurp said at the launch of the new product. "Itsh shmashing shtuff", he added shortly before being taken for a lie-down by Threadbone staff. A rapidly substituted and less "unwell" spokesperson for the Winery added that Hazelbury Bryan 2016 was already available through selected outlets and would be featured on the menu of all Hotel Magna Resorts including the recently opened Tarrant Keyneston Golf Resort. "At only £148 a bottle everyone will want to try it", deluded former Stringbonefellows hostess Ms Fifi Boneham-Often asserted. Ms Boneham-Often is 46-32-36.

Chateaux Hazelbury Bryan

ABOVE: The new domaine makes its mark; BELOW, diners at Hotel Magna Spa, Todber enjoy the latest tipple.

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