The world is used to strange resemblances: remember the Chelsea bun that looked like Mother Teresa or the passing cloud that was the spiting image of the Virgin Mary on a motorbike? Sure: but that happens to other people. Right?
Well that's what Pamela Doubletake thought until one ordinary Wednesday morning in Child Okeford when she ordered her usual cappuccino with luxury cocoa dusting in her local Threadbucks and found herself staring at a lifelike image of famous Dorset Culinary Bio-ethicist Professor Brian Thrupiece!
A stunned Pamela immediately reached for her orinoco smartphone 8 (available at: snapped the temporary vision and rushed to contact the Child Okeford Enquirer to establish the commercial value of her find.
Editor Arnold Slowday offered £3.50; leaving Pamela well in pocket (a Threadbuck's cappuccino with luxury cocoa dusting costs a very reasonable £2.40) and a worldwide rights deal was struck. The photograph has now gone viral thanks to social media. "It's quite hard to believe this hasn't been faked up" said social media-savvy Avery Doubtful, "but then again who would go to those lengths to sketch in cappuccino froth a guy who died 12 years ago in still unestablished circumstances in a Swiss Hotel Room? I just don't think people are that interested."
An image uncannily similar to that of Professor Brian Thrupiece appeared in the froth of an ordinary woman's cappuccino in Threadbuck's Child Okeford. Church of England representatives are struggling to find an adequate explanation.