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Lost Dog Found By Hero Police Cadet

The runaway success of the 2017 Branscombe Air Show was almost compromised when a distressed member of the public informed onsite police that her dog Pusilanimous Pantile III had become lost in the crowd. At first the chances of reuniting owner and prized pet seemed slim until - after an agonising three minutes of heartbreaking uncertainty - a Police cadet found the precious pooch licking an ice cream (and its own hind quarters) only yards from its distraught owner.

The three day event - described by Mrs Amanda Threadbone [Chair of the Organising Committee] in the Commemorative Brochure as "a Jewel in the Crown of the Dorset Summer" - had seen record crowds basking in the August sunshine, their sleep disturbed only by the frequent roar of overhead aircraft. "It's a bally nuisance" said one regular attendee, "just when you're nodding off another Focker start up and you're wide awake again. I know they say its part of the deal but really, I expect more for my free entry."

Pusillanimous Pantile III's owner, local resident Dorothy de Lay'd-Reflexes, was overjoyed to be back with her prize-winning Shih Tzu and full of praise for the initiative shown by Cadet Policewoman Nazreen Bickerstaff. "She was simply marvellous. When I told her I needed to find Pee-Pee she led me to the nearest convenience where we sorted out the misunderstanding and she looked for the dog. She turned her head through a full 45 degrees, took in the whole situation and just reached down and picked her up. It wasn't her fault Pee Pee chose that moment to have an accident: I think it was the noise of the Thrupiece 4 Jet Fighter, though it might have been the ice cream - she's non dairy on the whole."

Organisers of the event were probably grateful for the good news story which drew attention away from the slight mishap over the Souvenir Brochure. In what appears to have been "a communications error", the version printed and distributed to visitors was not that finally approved by the Committee but rather an earlier draft in which a number of editorial comments appeared in the marginalia. Committee Chair Mrs Amanda J Threadbone was unavailable to comment but her spokesperson agreed it had "not been our finest hour".



The Branscombe Airshow once again attracted record crowds.

The Branscombe Airshow once again attracted record crowds.

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