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Booksellers Astonished By Unprecedented Demand

Following a modest advertising campaign aimed at the very few who do not already know of the Publishing Event of the Autumn - the announcement of the DHRA "Book of the Year" - Threadstones, the quality High Street book retailer, has witnessed unprecedented sales of Orwena Kawelste's sweeping epic Zulema and the Kalendar Prince.

Published only yesterday it has already sold more than 20 copies across Threadstones 35 branches - an average of just under 0.42 books per store. The orinoco store has also seen a "rush to the digital tills" with more than 8 copies already ordered online. Early figures for digital downloading are equally encouraging: the DHRA digital portal has been visited twice and the book has been downloaded at least once in pdf format.

Head of digital sales, Headov Digitalsales, is pleased with the uptake: "I'm pleased with the uptake", he said this morning, "very pleased".

Meanwhile plans for Ms Kawelste to tour Threadbone Stores for book signing engagements have been put on hold. "In an unfortunate collision of circumstances the planned bookshop events have been put on hold: it seems we launched the book just as Ms Kawelste was due to go on a mini-break to Ibiza and, as she's booked on a Threadbone Airways non-refundable ticket, she has decided to press ahead with her holidays. Naturally we are disappointed but we believe her fans will understand that after giving birth to one as big as this, so to speak, she needs a bit of r&r".

In the meantime, those in search of the book are advised to act fast: especially those hoping for their husbands to give them one.

After a modest publicity blitz (BELOW LEFT], Threadstones the quality High Street retailer has reported record sales of the new Orwena Kawelste novel [TOP]. Staff at the Alderholt Superstore have made it their "Staff Pick" [BELOW RIGHT]

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