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Writer's pictureProfessor Brian Thrupiece

New Broom Sweeps

Newly appointed "out of left field" Deputy Chair of the Threadbone Corporation, Mr Royston "Roy" Binstock has hardly had time to get his feet under the corporate table than the Great Heaving conglomerate has announced sweeping changes to its board and management structure. Industry insider Dusty Inzidër, firmly believes these to be the most significant changes in the corporation's management structure in nearly a generation. "I firmly believe these to be the most significant changes in the corporation's management structure in nearly a generation", he told the assembled media. Asked if they represent a significant "shift of power" and even possibly a loosening of the central corporate reins, Mr Inzidër was not sure. "I'm not sure", he said. Was it perhaps too early to tell and might the proof be in the pudding? "It is perhaps too early to tell and the proof might be in the pudding", he volunteered, after careful prompting from an on-looking Threadbone Corporation minder.

Industry experts say Mr Royston "Roy" Binstock is walking a tightrope as he tries to negotiate a restructuring of the Great Heaving Corporate Conglomerate. [ABOVE] Mr Binstock practices between the Threadbone Corporation and thrupieceorganisation Head Offices. An associate of Mrs Threadbone holds the rope "taught" - "for the time being!" [ed]

Whatever the case, its clear that "Roy" is already making quite an impact - something which is perhaps as much a matter for concern as for congratulation. "Large corporations which have evolved their structure over a period of time often find change difficult to manage" says Dorset Business Review's Corporate Restructuring and Systems Evolution Correspondent Eva Lützen, "in the end they usually dispense with the services of those who have tried to bring about the alteration. It's a tightrope and Mr Binstock needs to tread carefully". Mr Binstock is understood to be on a two week rolling contract.


This Official Diagram of the Great Heaving Organisation both before and after the restructuring shows just how radical the shake up has been.

This Official Diagram of the Great Heaving Organisation both before and after the restructuring shows just how radical the shake up has been. Commentators are finding it hard to"read" the potential shifts in power it may represent. A spokesperson for Mrs Threadbone said yesterday: "People should study the diagram with care. Things are not always as they seem and I am not ready to throw in the towel just yet!"

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