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Feeling It

Founding inspiration of, Professor Brian Thrupiece [image not recent].

Staff at were said to be tired and emotional but deeply touched* following an upwelling of support on its reappearance today on the ether-based world wide interweb cloud-accessible digital-portal. Absent for longer than anybody noticed, the site returned to full exposure** following an overnight financial settlement with digi-platform supplier threadbonemedia.

* Not for the first time. See Noodles Goodbody (42-28-34) v [Alton St Pancras Crown Court 2018] and subsequent reporting - eg. "Crown Court Hears Noodles Fondling Allegation at "End of Term" Bring Your Own Pasta Party", Sidling St Nicholas Sun, 12 March 2018

** Also not a first. See Drusilla Parker-Knowles (nee Likhtarovich) (48-28-32) and Stringbonefellows [Bahamas] Ltd v [Alton St Pancras Crown Court 2016] as well as subsequent reporting - eg "Crown Court Hears Man Fully Exposed Himself As Stripper Stripped", Sidling St Nicholas Sun, 18 October 2016

As yet unverified photograph said to be evidence of a non-lock down party at headquarters. The Royal Dorset Constabulary have been informed but currently plan to take no action.

Several members of the public waiting for a No 26 bus outside the online news media's Great Heaving office reported hearing several "shouts of delight" and what was reported as "a high level whooping" accompanied by a low-intensity rhythmic banging such as can be heard at night in many of Dorset's less well-regarded hotels and places of repose. One went so far as to suggest that "drink might have been taken" and - off the record - added that several items of a prophylactic nature had been discovered during a deep dive into nearby wheelie bins.

No one from was available for comment, though one employee, who wished to remain anonymous, told incoming cleaning staff that there had been a "bit of a stramash" and advised that a few extra toilet ducks might be in order. "If it was me I'd be asking for a bit extra on top", Ms Parté Pouper of 13 The Lanes, Corfe Mullen, said; after making clear that she had been "an observer rather than a participant".

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