Reader and home art enthusiast - Cray Ohne - has submitted a finished Painting by Numbers artwork and, has also simultaneously, answered yesterday's question regarding where such "masterpieces" should be best hung in the ordinary home.
Whilst other suggestions are invited, in the opinion of the editorial team it is unlikely this entry will be bettered either in its execution or in the sensitivity evident in its highly-appropriate contextual display. "It took patience and skill to complete the picture", said the Painting by Numbers veteran who has more than 12 THREADART canvasses to his credit. "Hanging it was even more tricky. I had to perch on a stool, reach over the bowl and cistern with the picture in one hand, a hammer in the other and a two inch nail between my teeth and then fix it to the wall... and all whilst Mrs Ohne was out visiting an old friend... but it was worth it. Mrs Ohne is delighted with the result and I think I've earned enough brownie points to make sexual congress at some point in the relatively near future a real possibility. Who say's modern art isn't a turn on?"
We understand that, following a visit from the RDC's crack Lockdown Breach squad, Mrs Ohne has been taken in to custody. A disappointed Mr Ohne may not be cashing in on his new found favourable status quite as soon as he anticipated. "I am comforted only by the fact that I have another half-finished Rothkobone on my App - hopefully it will keep my mind occupied and my hands busy until she is released in a couple of week's time. It's quite a fearsome one from a technical point of view."