Ladybone Books, the pioneering children's publishing arm of media giant The Threadbone Press has added yet another impressive title to its ongoing Pre-School Trauma series.
The books which address distressing themes in an approachable, sympathetic but occasionally uncompromising fashion have become widely recognised as a significant tool in educating young ones into the world of pain that is, or will soon be, their life experience.
Once again the publishers have turned to proven expert Chris Alliss who has already dealt with subjects as diverse as divorce, substance abuse, gender mis-assignment, personality disorders, living on the spectrum, family break up, transgressive relatives, and organ transplantation now turns perhaps his biggest challenge of all: death.
Child psychologist and University of Afpuddle Professor of Digital Banking Professor Cash Poynte believes that facing the big subjects is essential if troubled children are to stand any chance of surviving in the family environment. "I believe that facing the big subjects is essential if troubled children are to stand any chance of surviving in the family environment", he said. "Chris has done us all a huge favour by tackling these issues on our behalf, giving us the opportunity to lead a normal family life whilst our children get on with the business of reading and educating themselves. Thank goodness none of these books contains follow on advice or questions for parents; that would just be storing up a heap of trouble. As I always say: leave educating children to the child experts: other children. They learn so much more from their peers; especially when particularly sensitive or vulnerable".
A spokesperson for Ladybone Books defended the series as a whole from charges of - alternatively - trivialising and highlighting trauma. "What parent in general and children in particular need to remember is that being traumatised is neither compulsory nor an option when it happens. These books are designed to prepare little ones for shock, to place challenges they will inevitable face in context and make money for us". "I believe that our success - in the last of these at least - is unquestionable which certainly says something".