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Postcard from New York

The aptly-named Brian's Bridge Motel where the TOAST party is staying.  The postcard may not represent the Motel exactly as it is today.
The aptly-named Brian's Bridge Motel where the TOAST party is staying. The postcard may not represent the Motel exactly as it is today.

A postcard from Marjorie Billington-Marjorie to friend Doris Endersely-Kindersley at the DHRA has yielded valuable insights into the state of morale amongst members of the TOAST group currently in the USA on a tour intended as a tribute to Professor Thrupiece on the 50th anniversary of his visit to the Metropolitan Opera. The group plans to attend a performance of The Book of Moron on Broadway on Friday evening. ["We considered going to an opera but many of our members find it hard to go for more than an hour between comfort stops which ruled out the whole of Wagner, significant chunks of Rossini and all the Verdi's most members were willing to contemplate. We'd have considered Pagliacci but in the event they were doing Don Giovanni and several of our younger members are allergic to sexual innuendo".] Later they will head to Lincoln Centre for an all night vigil which, they hope will induce the Professor [failing which the Professor's spirit] to come amongst them and perform an act of benediction.

Readers will know that only yesterday "black sheep" Mr Al Fresco-Crapper was arrested in woods in Connecticut having been caught in an act strictly prohibited by state law. Questions were asked as to whether or not the remainder of the party had the heart and stomach to continue with the tour having been detained either as material witnesses or in one case as an accessory before and [even more reluctantly] during the act ["I was only holding the roll as a favour after everyone else had declined"]. However, Mrs Billington-Marjorie's message - written in her own hand on the back of a card bearing an image of the motel in which the group are residing - suggests that the group are determined to carryon with their plans despite the setback. Mrs Billington-Marjorie also makes clear that Mr Fresco-Crapper has rejoined the party - though perhaps to a mixed reception.

Recipient Mrs Doris Endersely-Kindersley expressed some relief at receiving both the postcard and its cheery message, though warned that no-one should count their chickens as long as Mr Fresco-Crapper remained at large. "They are by no means out of the woods yet", she said, "and we all know what can go wrong in there".

Mrs Marjorie Billington-Marjorie's postcard reveals tensions within the TOAST camp but affirms, friends believe, that "the show goes on" despite the setbacks of the last few days.
Mrs Marjorie Billington-Marjorie's postcard reveals tensions within the TOAST camp but affirms, friends believe, that "the show goes on" despite the setbacks of the last few days.

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